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AleX Westerberg - Bio

Alex has quite the music history with brilliant performance, talent, production, recording, engineering and composing skills. A successful producer AleX works with EL and Bay Island Records as well as placing songs successfully most notably his remix version of "My Love is the Shhhh" co-produced with DJ Manic which went platinum on Warner Brothers, available on Tower Records. A lover of music all his life, Alex turns to gold all that he touches.

A successful solo artist he has won many competitions and awards. While living in Germany AleX helped build a teen center in his late teens and performed there as well, which earned him Representative for the Community of Excellence award from the Pentagon. AleX worked as a DJ in Germany as well. Upon his return to the United States he performed in a band called Tolt and then Blind Side Sucker Punch and teamed up with EL of Bay Island Records.

AleX has a musical background that includes concert orchestration, Jazz, dance and a love of all genres of music. His instruments are keyboards, concert sax, saxophone and drums. He also studied Jazz music theory in Germany, under one of the top ten trombonists in the world. He has always written music and learned to play keys and performed in his early teens.

AleX Westerberg is president of WM Records and Productions in Tacoma, Washington.

"I am so grateful to be teamed up with such a brilliant artist as AleX".......EL


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WM Records and Productions

AleX Westerberg

AleX Westerberg

